Make A Melody

let’s get started!

Snap a picture of your artwork with a cell phone or mobile device, then fit it to the frame. Scanned .png or .jpeg files work, too.

Crop Image Example

for best results:

  • Take an overhead photo of your artwork on a flat surface against a solid background, and use natural light to avoid shadows
  • Adjust the rotation and contrast at the next step and crop out any background textures or personal information, such as last names

a few finishing touches

Use the buttons below to adjust the image as needed, and let us know when it’s ready, or upload a different image.

Click and drag the image to fit the frame.

Ready to see what your art has to say? Click below to let our breakthrough image-recognition technology work its magic.

now, it’s your turn!

unspoken symphony analyzed your artwork to create a unique melody with pre-selected instruments, but there’s more! Preview and play your melody with other instrument combinations to create a symphony that’s music to your ears, or click ‘i’m done!’ to skip this step.

leading instrument:

supporting instrument:

You cannot pause, skip forward, or mute while your unique melody is being generated. To adjust the volume or mute sound, please do so on your device.

now, let’s give your masterpiece a name

your gallery submission is complete… bravo!

Click below to download your files. A download link has been sent to your inbox too, and we'll email you with updates on your gallery submission.

invite others to make their own melody

make another melody

save and share your melody

Your video and sheet music were sent to your email. You can also download and share your melody below.

share your melody with the links below

make another melody

you’ve composed an unspoken symphony. congratulations!

We’re extremely excited to present you with your unspoken symphony and sheet music!

what can I do with my files?

Share with friends, siblings, grandparents or other family members, give to a teacher or caregiver on appreciation days, enter into a local talent contest, or bring to music therapy!

thank you for submitting to the gallery!

Check your inbox for a link to download your melody and sheet music. We will contact you again to let you know if your symphony has been accepted into the gallery. If you enjoyed it, share unspoken symphony with your friends so they can create their own melodies.

thank you for making a melody!

Keep an eye on your inbox for your MP4 file and sheet music! If you enjoyed it, share unspoken symphony with your friends so they can create their own melodies.

how about an encore?

Don't stop the music. Browse our gallery of symphonies or make another melody.

Horizontal watercolors by Riley

your masterpiece is complete!

Fill out the information below to instantly receive your custom video and sheet music.

Horizontal watercolors by Riley

oh no! you’re about to lose your masterpiece

If you don’t want to lose your progress, click ‘go back.’

go back no, thanks. all done

pause the music... we’re prepping your files

This may take a minute, but don’t click out. We’ll let you know once your files are ready for download.

are you sure you want to throw away your masterpiece?

no, go back yes, I’m done

uh oh, your browser isn’t compatible

Please upgrade or switch to one of the browsers below to use the unspoken symphony software:

Chrome 35+, Microsoft Edge, Firefox 25+, Safari 6+. Internet Explorer is not supported. Android webview, Chrome for Android 35+, Firefox for Android 26, Opera for Android 22, Safari on iOS 6+.

will do!

are you done choosing instruments?

go back sign my masterpiece